常常看到有人在论坛、微信群问到“中国驾照在新泽西能开车吗?”,答案是 – 不能。
中国不存在国际驾照 (International Driver Permit; IDP)。如果你持中国驾照,任何人和机构声称能给你办理国际驾照,不管他们身在中国还是美国,都是骗子。国际驾照由联合国1949年《日内瓦道路交通公约》和1968年《维也纳道路交通公约》确立;中华人民共和国并没有批准和加入这两个公约,因此没有资格颁发、也不承认国际驾照。
New Jersey 只承认公约签署国的驾照,不包含中国。
State of New Jersey, Motor Vehicle Commission, Visitors with foreign driver licenses,
Foreign motorists with valid driver licenses from qualifying countries* are free to drive personal or rental cars while visiting the United States as a tourist and are advised to carry an International Driving Permit. […]
Qualifying countries from United Nations Convention on Road Traffic, Geneva (1949), Convention on the Regulation of Inter-American Motor Vehicle Traffic, Washington, D.C., (1943) and Vienna Convention on Road Traffic (1968).